It's a New Year and mine's begun with a bang! I have been ripping up floorboards for my biz, which is a HUGE learning and refining adventure. A once rock dweller goes marketer...Why not?In the past, the ogre's of webdesign, coding, ezines, etc would have been the dragons that made me pass by the lair all together~however! Its a new season, of life and will and determination and YES~RESOLUTION! In honor of living life full, to the hilt, the brim, beyond the oyster, I'm revamping the old and rewriting into the new...year :)
There are times as a writer that I feel exhausted, parched, all dried up~yet the piece of diving into my own resevoir time and again to find the hidden morsels that weren't so dry after all...maybe just a little covered over or weary, nothing a good refurbishing sheen, motivation, new perspective won't clear right up! To this wild adventure~cheers!!! (here's Bob, my dearest gnome friend, riding Velma Mae~his fierce, trusty transport through any jungled journey)