Unleashing Intuition a weekly ezine for forward thinkers who want to know and live their life purpose today, transforming relationship, health & finance for good! Join the fun~http://eepurl.com/LLCT

Monday, September 27, 2010

Ask and Receive

We become who we envision, we pray for, we believe in...the key to receiving the gift of our asking is moving forward as if its already happened. So often in the Bible, Jesus said it's ones faith which healed them. Do you believe your prayers will be answered~or that they've ALREADY been answered? You must have the faith that your dreams, desires and yearnings have already realized and God is placing them before you. Go get them and discover your awakened, faithful life! I chose this picture from my youth, as each of my siblings and myself came into the life pictured here...my brother sporting his elementary school sweatshirt is now a teacher; my sister with her dollies, now has 3 children and is adopting (at least) 2 more...then there's me, whose been the dreamer, the ponderer and the muse...
Are you living today a life that reflects your biggest wish??? Make it so...
Bless Your Journey,
Anna Rose
check out this weeks Ezine: http://eepurl.com/-ZeI

Monday, September 20, 2010

What's In Your Daily Cup?

Are you drinking the Marrow Of Your Life or just getting by on grinds???
The juice of your cup is either life giving or depleting, feeding your betterment or shriveling you down. It IS possible for your life to be Nourishing, On Purpose, Feeding Every Morsel of YOUR Spirit, in Every Day. To live such a life, you must consider:
Where do I want to go?
Who do I want to be?
What is keeping me from my own Promised Land?
My work is to help you tap into the juice of your life and keep it flowing in your cup! I share with you tools to catapult you through blocks and beyond patterns so you start today living the life you know is possible.
Call today to set up a FREE 10 minute trial or a full reading with Anna Rose
(541) 535-4848
Blessings and Over Flow,
Anna Rose
This weeks ezine: http://eepurl.com/6TxA

Monday, September 13, 2010

Hats of the Spirit...

Throughout our lives, it is not only fun~but imperative to try on different ways of being, perceiving and dressing. Mix it up for delights sake and try something new, be a biker, a peddler, a business type, a dancer, royalty~whatever appeals and wear THAT hat, for today...why not? Could be just what the doctor ordered :) In honor of my own eclectic hat rack, a few memorabilia and the painting on top, done by the lovely and talented Ilene Gienger...
Peace and Blessings, Anna Rose
Check out my Unleashing Intuition ezine at:

Monday, September 6, 2010

A Bite Out Of LIFE!!!

...and everything dear. I have been grandly blessed with time-I spend it how I choose and that includes a pretty simple yet variable recipe, people I love and simple pleasures (such as this weeks)...
I love my nephews
I love figs
I love being good to my body
I love having fun! This week, Ive been helping one of my nephews make a doll, the other I gave a massage, I ran a 1/2 marathon (and then some) and have been dancing around my home and learning a new type of dance too~
Life is full, goes fast and is constantly providing new ways to mix it up~take a chance and GET OUT THERE~live it up and see what flavors you find :) Become interesting for a living! I dare ya and, know what???
You're worth it,
Figs and Jigs,
Anna Rose
Read my Ezine for this week at: