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Monday, August 2, 2010

Into The Great Wide Open

Something incredibly liberating takes place when one steps out, beyond routine and comfort, beyond the WHAT IF'S, fears & cavernous loop holes...When I let go & trust, when I stop holding on to an idea or a thought that no longer serves me, I feel absolutely uplifted and held by the arms of God, by Spirit, by the thing which is greater. Maya Angelou once referred to this as "the pulse of the morning", when I move over to let the faucet of the Divine over take me, the weight of my own worries are barely even a memory~instead, I am pulsing with purpose, with inspiration, with possibility. Open to life, every step of the way! Click on recorded conference above to listen to this weeks class~Bless Your Heart, Anna Rose
ps this weeks pics, my dad and his dad, sometime in the late 1950's. Both of these men lived in unconventional, large, spirited ways! In honor of my lineage AND in celebration of the preciousness of our days on the planet, this is an ode to Pardsie and EP xoxo, with love from a rosebud at rest

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