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Monday, July 19, 2010

Love Your Friends

I am so blessed to have people in various locales that I consider not only friends, but bosom dear ones. There may be ages between visits and months go by without a word, but I know if ever I come around their neck o'the woods, I will be embraced with loving arms, hearts and time. I have spent the last days amongst friends in Northern California, getting to know new ones too and it has blessed my heart boldly and opened up even more authenticity in getting to know people, more deeply every time we meet. I encourage you to be curious, about old friends and new, to ask questions and listen, to be open to seeing the radiance of new faces, of familiars, just as if its the first time you look upon them. I have seen in this visit, my old impressions change into ones of absolute relish and tickle*ment! Get to know your friends all over and love em real good ;)
With Love and Curiousity,
Anna Rose
ps Just the blog this week, no new Recorded Conference~Im busy playing and frolicking and will even spend a day at the hotsprings! (...and I took this pic an hour ago of me and one of my favorite people, darling Michelle-my long time friend, play time companion and sister of all things girly, fabulous and dear! Not to mention our birthdays are perfect neighbors, the 28th and 29th of November :) )

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