Unleashing Intuition a weekly ezine for forward thinkers who want to know and live their life purpose today, transforming relationship, health & finance for good! Join the fun~http://eepurl.com/LLCT

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Risk It...

This weeks blog won't be verbose~our class is about risk, the importance of taking them often and challenging our inner workings in EVERY DAY to embody more life than we know how. Risk it all--for love, for life and for Heavens sake! Click on recorded conference above to get this weeks dose of Inspiration :) Love, blessings and outrageous blade walking....AR
ps this pic is one of those that just feels like a risk to post, so I am doing it :) Halloween 2008 I played Aunt Sam and call this photo~"Who Me?"


  1. Very nice closing prayer- thanks for your thoughts today- Your closeness to ultimate mom and dad of the universe is so evident as you pray- thanks for being in our lives- and sharing yours- Jay and Ginny

  2. You both bless me, my heart and my sense of nourishment through connection. Thank you both AND our divine parents for be in my life xoxo I love you both and always look forward to our next visit! With love, hugs and thank from your rose <3
