Unleashing Intuition a weekly ezine for forward thinkers who want to know and live their life purpose today, transforming relationship, health & finance for good! Join the fun~http://eepurl.com/LLCT

Monday, January 25, 2010

Openin On Up To Love

"If we live with open hearts today, tomorrow will take care of itself"~Maryann Williamson
Pictured clockwise from top, my dear ol EasyPickins, brother Eddie, sister Angie and me :)
In this weeks class on Living In*Joy and Inspiration, I focus on choosing Love over cynicism and fear. For one week and one week only, this recording will be available for your listening pleasure...
Just dial (605)475-4899, access code 200564#
In the face of pain, grief and loss, let us not seccumb to negativity, but use our trial for the deepest growth, into the path of love...
Blessings and Love from Anna Rose
Some things I've loved:

Life, newness, adventure, family, chocolate, mountains, time, gnomes, laughter, play, stripes, velvet, dancing, riddles, poetry, art, barns, hugs, friendship made over tea, snails, dressing up...

(lambs, travel and my awesome cousin Ben...when we get to tear up the dance floor...)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Keep It Real...

When life offers challenge, what do you do?

The first week I moved into my new castle, the shelves fell off the wall~not once, but twice, breaking all my beautiful ceramic bowls, plates and one very special house plant...I took a picture, cleaned it up and set up shop...again :) AND had my very strong and handy brother in law secure the shelves with greater assurance than I was able on my own!
Greetings! This week I had more than one lesson in seeing, living and speaking from what is really real~ So, as my classes go, my focus is on just that. How to move forward, with vision, when life dishes up the unexpected. The key is taking every morsel of life as a stepping stone towards your dream. Our dreams may come, they may not~all we can do is live NOW like they're already here. In my weekly call on Living In*Joy and Inspiration, I talk about surrender to what we are currently in, seeing the blessing of our situation, (even if it looks like a mucky mess) and honoring it's process. It is growing us and THAT's the gift! So if life is rewiring you and it's painful, uncomfortable, curious or otherwise, know that you are gearing towards betterment! Be open to new and surprising possibilities and trust, there is a greater plan at work here, beyond that which we can see. So get ready for BIG THINGS, they sometimes come in mysterious packages...
Check out 20 minutes of free flowing*ness on this very topic by dialing (605)475-4899, access code 200564#
Peace and Blessings,
Anna Rose
"When wolves are badgered, they don't say, "Oh no! Not again! They bound, they pounce, run, dive, scramble, play dead, go for the throat, whatever needs to be done. So we cannot be shocked that there is entropy, deterioration, hard times. Let us understand that the issues that entrap joy will always shift and shape-change, but in our own essential natures we find the absolute stamina, the necessary libido for all necessary acts of heart." ~Clarissa Pinkola-Estes, Women Who Run With The Wolves
Photograph courtesy of my Mama, 2007 xoxo

Monday, January 11, 2010

Back on the Bloggin again...

...Here's me and my dad with the whole world, life and the 1980's before us. 2 weeks ago he was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer and the blessing of this has gotten me off my keester and back into the magic and importance of choosing to Live Daily In*Joy and Inspiration!!!
So life happens right? Moving happens, holidays happen, heartbreak and renewal and clarity happen...hopefully, at least the last 3, in that order. Well I had taken a hiatus, a bigger one than I could have imagined for all and more than the reasons listed above, but don't worry, the inspiration never left, it just needed time to muddle..
So I've been elbows deep in muddle mode, by no means stagnant, but regenerating, churning and incorporating and streeeeeeetching~and you know what I've come to in all of that? JUST ROLL WITH IT! DO YOUR BEST AND MOVE FORWARD and for Petey sakes, TAKE ACTION! So I guess I really didn't need so much muddling!
For those of you just tuning in, I give weekly calls with tips on Living Daily In*Joy and Inspiration, new 20 minute recordings are posted each Monday and I'M BAAAAAACK! Starting now, so please with delicious cherries on top check it out by calling (605)475-4899, access code 200564#
My topic for this week is about No Better Time Than The Present...
Blessings and Love Y'all Whipper Snappers <3<3<3