Have you ever felt belittled, squelched, cut at the Achilles (to quote my sister) after a situation and couldn't quite shake it? Well, I had such an experience the last week and by golly, it took me almost 18 hours to figure out what the heck was happening and then, like a wild rain storm moves to reveal the sun, there the answer came--I gave up my power. I handed it over to someone whom I thought knew better than me and THE TRUTH was, they were intimidated by seeing a woman in all her glory and inadvertently (or not) tried to squash it. My talk this week is about stepping into all our power and accepting that sometimes it will threaten the very existence of others worth. That is what happens when people see someone whom is a light, a beacon, an inspiration~when jealousy sets in, they will do their best to try to make it bad. To live in joy and inspiration is an art and not for the faint of heart, or of spirit. We don't throw the baby out with the bathwater either, we see it fo
r what it is, discern and graciously accept its gift...whilst ferociously protecting what WE KNOW IN OUR GUTS to be true. I would love to share more of this thread with you by clicking above where it reads RECORDE
D CONFERENCE or call (605)475-4899, access code 200564# Bless You Well In All Things xoxo Anna Rose
This weeks pics are a celebration of women in their power-my sister Angie and my sister cousin Emily Valentine, on their thrones and loving every minute of it! You can bet your bottom dollar that come hell or high water these women NEVER let someone else's opinion effect their own worth! This life is to be expressed graciously, fully and with ALL of our unique essence...don't ever let anyone rain on your exquisite parade, it was made inside of YOU and only YOU, go out and let it shine!
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