Unleashing Intuition a weekly ezine for forward thinkers who want to know and live their life purpose today, transforming relationship, health & finance for good! Join the fun~http://eepurl.com/LLCT

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hello friend! Life is so good! It's richness and new prospects never cease to amaze me, every day provides an opportunity to change/shift/refurbish an old aspect into a dazzling one. I heard recently that 95% of the thoughts we had yesterday, we had the previous day and the one before that! So! If our thoughts are a whole muck of repetition, why not spruce it up a bit?

Here is a picture of me before I went to model for an art class at the local University. Its theme, as you may note, was stripes :) I have always loved playing dress up, so when I am asked to do so I get right into my element! It is a chance for me to be thematical, fun and creative in a focussed sort of way! What a treat!
There truly is something to be said about the life that is lived with passion, with heart, with purpose and the inner flame a'burnin! In addition to supporting myself in ways that are fun, playful and rewarding on the art scene, I also get to help others take care of their physical bodies (which helps the mind too!) through fitness coaching :)

What that means is taking care of ones needs from the inside out. When we cover the basic recipes desired by our heart, we can blossom in any arena we choose. It is a special thing when the internal work begins an outer expression. Sometimes an outer work begins an inner expression too! If you are looking for a way to get in touch with that expression, internal flame, special juice that is unique to YOU, I am hosting weekly conference calls about inspiration and joy that you are welcome to join! I will love to have you on the call. They will be Monday evenings from 6:00-6:20 PST, its free and anonymous if you choose! Please call (605) 475-4850, then dial access code 200564# . If you miss the live call, you can still listen in! Just dial (605)475-4899 access code 200564#!

I look forward to "seeing" you there!

With Love and The Living Of It,

xo Anna Rose

~We are such stuff as dreams are made on...~

W Shakespeare