Perhaps there is something about the coming of summer that inspires my feet and heart and brings about this sense like I am shooting out of the earth like a happy spring Dandy..
So, I have decided with all this energy to do a couple of things:
*Add new passions to my plate of everyday bliss~not just the flowery stuff, I mean really, looking at what my future wants to be and moving forth on THAT note (for my plethora of interests, it looks more like a symphony than a singular note)
*Dance or run every night (last night I went for a jog through town and hills at 9pm, a delicious time of eve this season!) in addition to my mornings workout
*Choose differently than I am used to...
What that means is, in order to change a story in ones life, there need to be different steps taken to alter the path one is on. Breaking out of a comfort zone to open into a completely (or even slightly) new way of being!
So if its changing something in your diet, upping your activity level, paying your bills early, calling a friend that you've been thinking about or getting involved in a new aspect of your community, just do it!
You'll probably feel quite pleased in the NEW action and also its outcome! So switch it up a bit and go get your dreams!!!
A little activity:
Think of what you REALLY want your life to look like when you are 100, when you are 90, when you are 80 and so on. Work your way down to now and see, are you on a path to your deepest passions? If not, what shift can you make to bring those into your horizon?
...These are my grandparents, who were married for over 70 years and each lived into their 90's...Love makes the heart grow stronger xo
Blessings on the journey,
In love and every wonder filled thing xo
Anna Rose (That is Anna Rose in the font webdings...what exactly is that for anyway??)